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ISO 9001:2015


What is ISO 9001:2015?

ISO 9001:2015 is an international standard that governs quality management systems (QMS). It provides a framework that can be used by many types of organizations, both large and small, across all industries, to improve efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction.


ISO 9001:2015 sets out the basic principles that an organization must adhere to in order to ensure that they can provide consistent products or services, meet customer needs, and continuously improve their quality management system.

Benefits of ISO 9001:2015

Product or Service Quality Improvement
ISO 9001 helps organizations to improve the quality of the products or services they produce by setting standards that must be adhered to.
Customer Satisfaction
A focus on customer needs and satisfaction is at the core of ISO 9001. By prioritizing this, organizations can build better relationships with their customers.
Efficiency and Productivity
ISO 9001 implementation can help identify inefficient processes and improve them. This can increase productivity and reduce waste.
Reliability and Predictability
These standards help in establishing a consistent system, which in turn improves the reliability of the product or service provided.
Improved Risk Management
ISO 9001 encourages organizations to better manage risks, identify potential problems, and take preventive measures.

These benefits make ISO 9001:2015 a worthwhile investment for organizations looking to improve their efficiency, customer satisfaction, and product or service quality.

ISO 9001:2015 Principles

Costumer Focus
Companies must understand and meet customer needs and expectations, and focus on increasing customer satisfaction as the main goal.
Engagement of People
Great teamwork helps achieve success and success in achieving company goals. Every employee has their own value and contribution to the company's progress.
The organization must be committed to improving the quality management system continuously, and take corrective actions to achieve better effectiveness and efficiency.
Relationship Management
The implementation of ISO 9001 requires companies to maintain good relationships with consumers and related stakeholders. Both have an important role in helping the company achieve the expected targets.
Evidence-Based Decision Making
In the decision-making process, every company must have a basis for data analysis and evaluation. The goal is to minimize decision-making errors due to complex or uncertain reasons.