Mon-Sat: 9.00am To 7.00pm
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What is Association?

A business association is an organization made up of a group of companies or individuals working in the same or similar industry or field. Its main purpose is to represent the common interests of its members, advocate for policies that benefit their industry, and provide a platform for sharing information, experiences, and resources.

Functions of business associations

Advocacy and Influence
Lobbying governments or regulatory bodies for mutual interests, such as in terms of industry regulation, tax policy, or trade policy.
Education and Information
Provide resources, training, seminars, or conferences for its members to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in their industry.
Networking and Collaboration
Provide opportunities for members to interact, share experiences, and conduct mutually beneficial business collaborations.
Standard Development
Establish and maintain high industry standards to ensure the quality of products or services provided by its members.
Awards and Recognition
Recognize achievements and contributions in the industry, which can motivate members to improve the quality of their business.