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ISO 22000:2018


What is ISO 22000:2018?

ISO 22000:2018 is an international standard that regulates food safety management systems. It provides a comprehensive framework for organizations in the food and beverage sector to ensure food safety in their supply chain.


ISO 22000 integrates the principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) with the principles of quality management systems, and enables organizations to identify, evaluate, and control the risks associated with food safety in their production processes.

Benefits of ISO 22000:2018

Improved Food Safety
ISO 22000 helps organizations to identify potential risks related to food safety in their supply chain and implement the necessary controls to mitigate those risks. This can result in safer food products for consumers.
Legal Compliance
Following ISO 22000 can help organizations meet the legal requirements applicable in the food industry. It can avoid legal sanctions and financial losses that may arise due to violations of food safety rules.
Product Quality Improvement
The focus on food safety in ISO 22000 can also have a positive impact on product quality. Organizations that reduce the risk of contamination tend to produce more consistent, high-quality products.
Risk Reduction
By identifying and managing risks related to food safety, organizations can reduce the risk of food contamination, food poisoning and similar incidents that can damage the company's image and cause financial losses.
Reputation Enhancement
ISO 22000 certification can enhance an organization's reputation in terms of food safety. Consumers and business partners may have more confidence in food products coming from organizations that comply with this international standard.

ISO 22000:2018 Principles

Systematic Approach
ISO 22000 encourages organizations to adopt a systematic approach to food safety management. This means integrating all elements related to food safety into a larger management system.
Supply Chain Interaction
This standard recognizes the importance of identifying, evaluating and controlling risks associated with food safety throughout the supply chain. This takes into account every stage in production, from raw materials to finished products.
Communication Assurance
The standard emphasizes the importance of effective communication within the organization and with external parties related to food safety, including information on risks, procedures and policies.
Management Commitment
This principle emphasizes that the successful implementation of this standard is highly dependent on the full commitment and support of the organization's management.
Monitoring and Evaluation
ISO 22000 emphasizes the need for continuous monitoring of the food safety management system as well as evaluation to ensure that food safety is continuously maintained and improved.