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ISO 45001:2018


What is ISO 45001:2018?

ISO 45001:2018 is an international standard for occupational safety and health (OHS) management systems released by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The standard provides a framework to assist organizations in managing OHS risks in their workplace. ISO 45001:2018 specifies the requirements for an OHS management system that can be implemented by organizations to improve safety conditions, reduce occupational accidents, and promote health in the work environment. It is designed to be applicable by organizations of various industries and sizes. This standard replaces OHSAS 18001:2007 and provides a more comprehensive approach to OHS management.

Benefits of ISO 45001:2018

Improved Occupational Safety and Health
ISO 45001 helps organizations identify and manage OHS risks in the workplace in a systematic way. By implementing this standard, organizations can improve safety measures, reduce the risk of accidents and illnesses, and create a safer and healthier working environment for employees.
Enhanced Legal Compliance
ISO 45001 helps organizations understand and comply with applicable legal requirements related to OHS in their operational areas. By complying with this standard, organizations can reduce the risk of legal violations and avoid sanctions that may arise from non-compliance.
Reputation Enhancement
ISO 45001 certification demonstrates an organization's commitment to OHS and employee welfare. This can improve the organization's image and reputation in the eyes of customers, business partners, government and the wider community. Organizations that have this certificate are also often perceived as safer and more desirable workplaces.
Improved Operational Efficiency
By effectively identifying and managing OHS risks, organizations can reduce accidents and associated operational disruptions. This can result in increased productivity, reduced costs associated with accidents, illnesses or equipment damage, and optimized use of resources.
Increased Employee Engagement
ISO 45001 encourages employee involvement in OHS efforts by involving them in OHS-related decision-making processes, participation and communication. This can increase employee motivation, job satisfaction, and attachment to the organization.

ISO 45001:2018 Principles

Leadership commitment
Strong leadership and commitment from top management are required to create a strong safety culture and ensure that OHS is integrated into all aspects of company operations.
Performance-based Approach
This principle involves the use of performance indicators, measurement, data analysis and management review to ensure the successful achievement of OHS objectives and the improvement of overall management system performance.
Awareness of the importance of OHS
To achieve maximum performance of the OHS management system requires commitment and awareness from all parties. Both management staff and employees in the company must realize the importance of occupational health and safety so that the OHS management implementation process can run accordingly.
Risk-based Approach
A risk-based approach encourages companies to identify, evaluate and effectively manage OHS risks to reduce the likelihood of occupational accidents, injuries or diseases.
Continuous Improvement
This principle encourages companies to make continuous improvements to OHS. This is done through management monitoring, measurement and review, as well as continuous corrective action to reduce OHS risks and improve OHS performance on an ongoing basis.