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What is SNI?

SNI is short for Indonesian National Standard. SNI is a set of standards developed by the National Standardization Agency (BSN) in Indonesia. Indonesian National Standards cover various fields, such as industry, technology, health, environment, and others. SNIs are used to ensure that products, services and processes in Indonesia meet the requirements set by the government.


SNI usually regulates the technical specifications, test methods, quality, and safety of a particular product or service. These standards can be applied to various things, such as building materials, electronic equipment, food and beverages, motor vehicles, management systems, and many more.

Benefits of SNI

Product Safety and Quality
SNI ensures that products circulating in the market meet established safety and quality standards. With SNI in place, consumers can feel more confident when purchasing products, as they know that the product has passed testing and meets established requirements.
Consumer Protection
SNI protects consumers from products or services that do not meet set standards. These standards help prevent products that are defective or harmful to consumers, so consumers can feel safe and protected when using products or services.
Ease of Comparison
With SNI, consumers can easily compare similar products or services. The same standard helps consumers to choose products that suit their needs based on the quality, specifications, and characteristics that have been set.
Quality Improvement and Innovation
SNI encourages industries to continuously improve the quality of their products and services. By complying with established standards, companies must make innovations and improvements to meet stricter requirements. This can lead to increased product competitiveness in the domestic and global markets.
Alignment with International Standards
SNI also helps achieve alignment with international standards. In some cases, SNI is based on international standards adopted by relevant international organizations. With SNI in line with international standards, Indonesian products can be more easily accepted in the international market.

SNI Principles

SNI aims to ensure products or services meet certain standards for quality. This includes the reliability, durability and expected performance of the product or service.
Safety standards in SNI establish rules to protect consumers, the environment or other relevant parties from hazards that may be posed by products, processes or services.
SNI is designed to ensure that parties involved in the production, distribution or supply of products, processes or services comply with established rules.
Consumer Protection
One of the main objectives of SNI is to protect consumers from products or services that do not meet established standards, so that they can use products or services with confidence in their quality and safety.
Increased Competitiveness
With the adoption of SNI, products or services have the opportunity to compete in a wider market, both domestically and internationally, because they meet generally accepted standards.