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System Hardening


What is System Hardening?

System hardening refers to the process of securing a computer system by reducing its attack surface and minimizing vulnerabilities. It involves configuring and managing various components of the system to make it more resistant to unauthorized access, cyber attacks, and other security threats.

Benefits of System Hardening

Reduced Attack Surface
By eliminating unnecessary services, closing unused ports, and removing or disabling unnecessary software, system hardening minimizes the potential entry points for attackers, reducing the attack surface of the system.
Enhanced Security
Implementing security configurations, applying patches and updates, and enforcing strong authentication measures significantly improve the system's resilience against known vulnerabilities and common attack vectors.
Mitigation of Known Vulnerabilities
Regularly applying patches and updates as part of system hardening helps in addressing known vulnerabilities, reducing the risk of exploitation by attackers leveraging these weaknesses.
Improved Access Control
User account management practices, such as enforcing strong passwords, limiting user privileges, and implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA), strengthen access controls, making it harder for unauthorized users to gain access.
Better Compliance and Governance
System hardening often aligns with various compliance standards and regulatory requirements, ensuring that the organization meets necessary security standards and guidelines.